Sunday, May 10, 2009


I have always had sympathy for people with chronic pain, but now I REALLY get it.

Over the past year I've had pain in my joints.  Usually it's just a dull achey sort of pain with intermittent periods of sharp pain.  It never bothered me enough to go to the doctor, though.  I hate the doctor.  It takes A LOT to get me in to a doctor's office.  Over the past several months it's gotten worse, though, and now my muscles are giving me trouble.  It's pretty much constant pain all the time, and if I sit, stand, lay down, walk, lift, bend, or stretch too much I'm in tons of pain.  

I have tried going to the chiropractor (who has helped my neck, but not the muscle pain in my back), frequent visits to the hot tub, and massage...none of which has done anything long term.  So finally I relented and went in to see my doctor last week.  She thinks it may be a side effect of a medication I'm on, but just in case she took 10 (yes TEN) vials of blood to test for various things.  She doubts those will show anything and told me to go off the medication and wait for six weeks.  SIX WEEKS?!?  Ugh.  I'm hoping that's what it is because I don't think I could deal with this for the rest of my life.  It sucks.  So to everyone out there who is living with chronic pain?  Kudos to you. 

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